Annual Juried Exhibition
September 22 - October 27, 2022
Opening Reception ​(masks required): Thursday, September 22, 5-7pm
The Annual Juried Exhibition presents works of art by 25+ artists working across a wide range of media including painting, textile, photography, mixed media, printmaking, digital, and more.
Selected Artists: Diana Bahr, Megha Birmiwal, Drea Cohane, Caroline Dudzinski, Susan Duval, Elizabeth Forrest, Elisa Franceschini, Anne Fullterton, Heather Hager, Soma Karmaker, Abdul Khaliq, Kathleen Kelly, Justine LaGuff, Alejandro Leon, Wen Li, Ama Liyanage, Diane Morgan, Salome Perez, Betty Praught, Bill Praught, John Richer, Moumita Roychowdhury, Danielle Saint-Onge, Amy Stickney, Bernadica Veselic, Teresa Walker, Xiao Wen Xu
Visit us in-person at 25 Regina St. S, Waterloo to view.
Final Work Pickup
October 29, 10am - 3pm
Gallery Hours
Tues/Wed/Thurs, 10am - 5pm
Saturdays, 10am - 3pm
Juror: Sandra L. Bethell
Sandra was born in Cambridge in 1964. She completed a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Guelph specializing in painting, drawing, sculpture, and art history with a minor in psychology. She obtained her Bachelor of Education from the University of Western. For the past 34 years she has worked for the Waterloo Region District School Board as a visual art teacher at Eastwood C.I. where she has been instrumental in the development of the rigorous WRDSB Integrated Arts Program. Her experience includes working on sets, props, and costumes for over 20 musicals and dramatic productions, helping to design numerous murals, running countless exhibitions, juried art shows, and specialized art travel for students.
Having just retired from public education, Sandra is excited to have the time and space for her personal creative work to manifest, allowing her love of nature and connection to spirit, to guide her. Having been an art educator means that she has extensive experience in many mediums and enjoys the unique qualities of each. Sandra is continuing her work in the uncommon wax and pigment encaustic technique whereby the process of layering, scraping, and fusing allow for a direct and tactile experience with the surface.​

Featured artwork: Sandra Bethel, Drynan Pond
Sandra’s biggest passion in life, besides watching the adventures of her two brave and nature-loving boys, is recording the world around her especially when it involves travel or her garden. As an educator her greatest joy is instilling a love of art and art history in her students, helping them learn to ‘read’ visual imagery, and confidently find their artistic voice.